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Disparities in Toxic Chemical Exposures and Associated Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: A Scoping Review and Systematic Evidence Map of the Epidemiological Literature

Authors: Devon C Payne-Sturges, Tanya Khemet Taiwo, Kristie Ellickson, Haley Mullen, Nedelina Tchangalova, Laura Anderko, Aimin Chen, Maureen Swanson

In this review article, we examine 50 years of scientific literature on social disparities in exposure to seven key neurotoxic chemicals and pollutants, including chemical mixtures, and their effects on neurodevelopmental outcomes in children in the U.S.

Inspired by community-engaged meetings through Project TENDR, this review found that children from low-income families and families of color are consistently exposed to more neurotoxic chemicals and bear more significant health impacts. Given that these pollutants come from diverse sources, including industrial and consumer products, there is a pressing need for a collective approach to mitigate exposure.

Children are routinely exposed to chemicals known or suspected of harming brain development. Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks (Project TENDR), an alliance of more than 50 leading scientists, health professionals, and advocates, is working to protect children from these toxic chemicals and pollutants, especially the disproportionate exposures experienced by children from families with low incomes and families of color.

Based on this evidence, I provide actionable recommendations for policymakers that can reduce these exposures. I also demonstrate how a systems approach can lead to more effective policy solutions, particularly in addressing structural causes behind disparities in neurotoxicant exposure.


Payne-Sturges DC, Taiwo TK, Ellickson K, Mullen H, Tchangalova N, Anderko L, et al. 2023. Disparities in Toxic Chemical Exposures and Associated Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: A Scoping Review and Systematic Evidence Map of the Epidemiological Literature. Environmental Health Perspectives, 131(9): p. 96001 PMC10525348

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